I used to cringe to myself when I said those words, but babywearing has helped me to feel that I can stand up and be proud that I am being the best mother I can be to my daughter Cori. I work long hours at my day job, which means that my time with my daughter is very limited. I get to see her in the evenings, and on weekends, so we must pack our learning, playing, and bonding into those few precious hours.

If I’m lucky, I get home in time to change my clothing and put her up on my back so I can help my husband make dinner for us all. Those few minutes of attached time help Cori to fall asleep easier, to be more pulled together and peaceful when it’s bed time.
I carry my daughter in a ring sling on weekends while I vacuum, or walk to the mailbox, or wash laundry. She’s up at my eye level, so she can see what I’m doing. Recently she decided that she wanted to help me wash the dishes. She happily carried around a bottle brush while I finished my chore. I knew exactly where she was, she was safe and content in a ring sling on my back.
Sometimes on weekend days we just have to get out of the house. We’ve spent too much time cooped up together. I grab a mei tai or a soft structured carrier and we go for a walk. Whether we’re walking through a garden or around the mall, it’s easier (and snugglier) for me to maneuver us both without a stroller. Of course, at the mall a stroller is a handy storage receptacle for our packages!
I know that Cori must enjoy being worn. Recently she’s started to hand me whatever wrap she can find, grinning from ear to ear. When I ask her if she wants to go for a ride, she starts to bounce and nod. If this wasn’t fun for her, she wouldn’t ask me to do it!
For all the other WOH moms, don’t give up. Even a tiny span of stolen time wearing your baby is good for them. Wearing is helping you to be the best mom for your kid!
Posted by Lauren H.
Babywearing is such a wonderful way to reconnect after a long day apart! On me or near is me is where my daughter wants to be and babywearing makes it possible.