After a little bit of "hinting" (I would leave the Ergo homepage up any time I was on the computer... for an entire month!) to my parents that I wanted an Ergo, finally, I received it for my birthday. To this day, that was probably the best birthday gift I have ever received. I immediately started using it while I babysat, and a few months later I got a regular nanny job with a family.
As a nanny, I perform many of the daily tasks mothers perform (this includes, cooking, dishes, laundry, cleaning, etc.) And of course, wearing children while doing these tasks (as most of you know) makes them so much easier. It also has created a special bond between me and many of the children I watch. Most of the children I nanny for absolutely love to be carried, and a lot of times as soon as I walk in the door they children will ask to "ride on Miss Rebekah." I also wear to comfort them, whether helping to distract them from a parent leaving, or if they are just having a bad day. Baby wearing also helps me when I take the children on outings. I know that small children will be safe when we are out, because most of the time they will be strapped to me. I also know that I will then have free hands to push strollers or hold hands with older siblings that like to walk. I remember one particular day when I took five (yes, five!) children to the zoo. I could not have made it through that day without my Ergo. The two year old, (who was the youngest) was on my back nearly the entire day, which allowed me to also push the double stroller that was carrying two other children and lots of stuff! The two year old had a bit of a cold that day, and wasn't feeling too good. Because I was wearing him, he was able to nap as much as he wanted, whether we were in a stroller friendly exhibit or not. I can give examples of countless other times when a carrier has saved the day. Whenever I forget a carrier, I always end up needing it! I have learned to keep a carrier on me at all times, even if I am not planning on nannying that day.
The very best part about babywearing is the fact that I can return the children to their parents at the end of the day, knowing that I have given them the absolute best care I possibly can, by keeping them safe, and providing for all of their needs. And that is worth the world to me.
Posted by Rebekah
Photos used with permission from parents