Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Birthday, America!

I have a post planned for tomorrow or the next day, but this evening I had a special experience I wanted to share.  We took the girls to see the fireworks.  I put T on my back as we were just standing by the car watching them.  She was so excited.  Because she was on my back, I could hear her soft, "ooo!"  She was pointing them out to me.  She was so excited about them at first.  However, after a while, she became a little overwhelmed.  Because she was on my back, instead of crying or fussing, she just turned her face into my back to settle, and then when she was ready she'd look back.  It was a really special moment.  I was glad that babywearing and the Declaration of Independence made it possible. Thanks also to all of the members of the military who preserve for us the chance for watching fireworks every July.


  1. Awesome! I wore Kate, too. She was a little bit frightened and the SSC was perfect as she could tuck her head and body in then peek out when she was ready to look for a bit.

  2. I wound up wearing Caleb, and if my back could have taken it I would have been wearing Nathaniel too (tandeming 85lbs of kid while preggo = ow!) They haven't had a problem with the fireworks the past few years, but I think they were both just a little too tired to cope this year- babywearing to the rescue as usual!!
