It's just about time to kick off International Babywearing Week 2015! This year the theme is "Embrace Your World." We are looking forward to embracing all of the things we love about wearing and the little ones we love wearing. We have a variety of activities, from family outings to the zoo, farm, and yoga, to regular meetings, supporting local businesses that support us, and finally supporting our community. This year we are excited to be hosting a carrier drive to benefit Mamatoto Village.
Mamatoto Village , aims to combat the high rates of preterm birth, low-birth weight and infant mortality in the D.C. Metro Area/Baltimore through the advancement of two programs. The Birthworker Program offers training, education, and practical
experience to women of color who are dedicated to the advancement of maternal health equity in underserved communities. Mothers Rising, allows expectant teens and lower income women under age 25 to receive prenatal education, emotional support, and career planning from pregnancy through the first year of the child’s life. Carriers will be collected at all IBW events and will be delivered along with a workshop on carrier use for the Mamatoto Staff following IBW.
Wednesday, Oct 7 - Tysons meeting. 10am-noon.
Thursday, Oct 8 - Bethesda meeting. 10am-noon
Friday, Oct. 9 - Zoo Playdate 10am (meet in front of the visitor center at the main entrance)
Sunday, Oct 11 - Family Activities Day with Takoma AP - 3:15-4:45pm
Monday, Oct 12 - Family Yoga and Walk at Honest Soul Yoga in Alexandria. 11am-noon
All Week - Baked by Yael (across from the zoo on Connecticut Ave) will be giving 10% discounts to anyone wearing a child in a carrier.
All Week - In previous years we have held a fundraiser raffle for IBW, but this year, we have decided to try holding an online silent auction. We have some great items available for purchase to support BWI of DC-MD-VA in the coming year. Please take a look and consider supporting our organization. http://bwidcmdva2015.eflea.ca/

We hope you will join us for a few activities to celebrate babywearing during this fun week. Also a final note, the Combined Federal Campaign is currently taking place for federal workers. If you, your spouse, your parents, or anyone else you know is looking for a cause to support with the CFC, we would like to remind you that this year, we are an eligible charity. Our CFC# is 60645.
Thank you for all you do to support Babywearing International of DC-MD-VA.