But I have so many kids you say! You’re preaching to the choir. Choose your destinations thoughtfully if you have many children. Try to find places where they cannot escape too easily. Go with a friend. Somehow five kids with two adults are much easier than three kids with one adult. Buy wristbands with your cell phone number on them and tag your kids. I have a wanderer and we now tag him all the time. (Safety first, right?) And for goodness sake all these poor middle school and high school kids are looking to make money this summer. Even the right 10 year old can be wonderful with a toddler. Hire one for a few hours so you have an extra hand.
What if it all goes horribly wrong you ask? We’ve all been that mom. I have certainly strapped a screaming child to my back in a museum before only to have that child fall right to sleep 3 steps outside of the museum. We all understand that sometimes you just have to call it a day. At least you will have tried something new and had an eventful day. Oh, and did I mention that I always keep lollipops hidden in my bag? It’s hard to scream while eating a lollipop.
My last tip is to plan ahead. Pack your bags the night before. Plan your outings a few days ahead of time so you can coordinate with a friend or mother’s helper. Make a list with your children of all the things you want to do this summer and start crossing things off. Life is short and it will be back to school and cold weather in a blink of an eye. Now go tell your kids it’s time for mandatory fun! They’ll be thrilled.
Posted by Carolyn